The Old Ways Are Best
- THE OLD WAYS ARE BEST - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on a 12 x 16 size poster board. It illustrates the story, "The Old Ways Are Best," published in "Dragon Magazine, Jan.1988".
This is the funniest story I ever read, and the best drawing I ever did. But nobody wants to buy it. How Come? I have sold a lot of artwork since 1974 and all the buyers had a certain type of subject that appealed to them, but "humor" was not one of them.
One art collector would pick out drawings that featured swordsmen in battle, another would select those with sexy women, another favored drawings of space scenes, while another looked for unicorns.
But this diversity of interest was good for me because there was always variety in the subjects I had to draw and paint for books and magazines. A collector always found something to buy.
And yet, none of them, ever, wanted a drawing that was humorous. I did not do a lot of cartoony stuff, but the few I did, I still have. To me they are like those sad little kids in the orphanage that nobody wants to adopt.
NOTE: A few days after I added this drawing and text to my website a caring art collector came over and adopted this drawing! Isn't that great?
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